Saturday, January 4, 2014


The Path of the Peacemaker
by Elder Kim B. Clark
President of BYU-Idaho

This incredible address by elder Kim B. Clark shows how we can all follow our Savior and be Peacemakers like Jesus was. We can even be Princes or Princesses of Peace, like Christ.

A prince of peace (or a princess of peace) is a peacemaker. When you hear the word "peacemaker," it is natural, and very important, to think of a mediator, someone who calms troubled waters and helps people resolve conflicts and disputes. In your lives you will have many opportunities to help people in conflict communicate their feelings, find common ground, and resolve their differences. Those opportunities may come as roommates, as parents, as home and visiting teachers, as bishops or Relief Society presidents. They may come in your neighborhoods, in your communities, at work.

You can read the complete address here. The Path of the Peacemaker.

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