Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What is the most important commandment?

“The most important of all the commandments of God is that one that you are having the most difficulty keeping today.”

President Harold B. Lee


Mayra j. said...

I find it pretty amazing that a loving father in heaven gives us the opportunity to work on that which is a struggle in our lives. Not only does he offer time, he also gives of his patience and love.

Jojo F. said...

After reading this question a couple of times, I got to thinking what is the most important commandment. We have learned that it's the first two law,but as I got older I started to realize that there is more. Heavenly Father is the most loving Father anyone of us can ask for. He's given us the agency to choose right and wrong. He knows us so well that he placed these laws to help protect us and warn us not to punish us. Each child of God is different, we all make mistakes that is why we have the atonement in our life to become better.All he asked us to do is Follow His guide lines and we will be saved, but its up to us to follow or not. As for these commandments I feel that it's the one that we are having a difficult one with. Trust in Him, do your part and He will do His.

Anonymous said...

Just Wanted to chime in and say that this quote is great and so important. When I was reading what President Harold B. Lee Said I just couldn't stop reading it over & over again. The most important commandments are the ones that we have difficulty with; the one's that we as Children of our Heavenly Father may have struggles with. We need to recognize the Commandments that we have struggles with and pray to Heavenly Father to give us strength to overcome them. Reading this quote allows me to deeply think and be grateful to have true Leaders in the church. Can't Wait till Conference!

- Dia P.

Anonymous said...

This quote highlights how each of us are different and grow at different levels. Our Heavenly Father knows us individually and knows what we struggle with the most, all He wants us to do is our BEST. If we do our best to overcome our difficulties, He will be there to help with the rest. Another (of the many )reason why He gave us His Son.
Stephany G.