Monday, November 28, 2011

Obedience and Freedom

Elder Boyd K. Packer

"The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have."


Anonymous said...

The opposition of bondage is freedom, the power to act and strive and live. Knowing and keeping the commanments has blessed me in many ways, from feelings of joy, peace, internal strenght and power. I do not feel trapped, hindered or weak.

Anonymous said...

Well, First off I really like this Quote from Elder Boyd K. Packer.
with the quote he said I feel that It's like the more obedient we are with ourselves in terms of how we live our lives for example allows us to have more freedom. The freedom to know that what we do in this life effects our next life. Maybe even The more obedient we are with Heavenly Father, such as, following the commandments, reading the scriptures, Living a righteous life and etc.. the more we have that freedom. Well,those are my thoughts.

Dia P.

Anonymous said...

With every choice comes a concequence. When we make a choice it directly affects the next choice we can make. If we are not obedient, we are faced with concequences in which we no longer are free to choose where we might have been able to before. For example, if I go into debt, I no longer have the option to spend my money how I would like, I need to only spend my money on the debt that needs to be repaid. Therefore I have lost my freedom in being able to spend my money on something else because of my bad decision. When we are obedient, we are blessed and we have the freedom to choose more often than not because we are no brought into the bondage of making a bad choice. It is much easier to be obedient and free, than to be disobedient and in bondage. It may not seem that we are in bondage when we make a bad choice, but Satan will have you believe that, it is not true. Only Heavenly Father tells us the truth, and he says we will be free through obedience. Truth sings in the words that Pres Packer has said in this quote.

Anonymous said...

Basically the more obedient we are to Heavenly Father's commandments the more freedom he gives to us. It might sound a little confusing at first, but if we continue to listen to our leaders and obey their teachings, the more blessings we receive from our Father in Heaven.