Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Spirit World


  1. The spirits of those who are righteous
  2. the spirits of the just
  3. Those who are faithful in their testimony
  4. Those who suffer tribulation for His name's sake
What is life like there?
  1. A state of happiness
  2. A state of rest
  3. A state of peace
  4. A place to rest from troubles, cares, and sorow
  5. A place filled with joy and gladness

Spirit Prison (Hell)
  1. the spirits of the wicked
  2. those who have no part or portion of the Spirit
  3. those who chose evil works
  4. those whom the spirit of the devil took pssession of
  5. The ungodly
  6. The unrepentant
  7. Those who rejected the testimonies and the truth

What is life like there?
  1. It is a place of darkness
  2. There is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
  3. There is fearful looking forward to God's indignation.
  4. It is an "awful hell"
  5. It is a place where spirits suffer the wrath of Almighty God.

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